Thursday, January 31, 2008

Once a monkey always.....

Hey the monkey's are never going to come back the way I see it,I think since they saw the good life that the monkeys live out in India,they are not thinking about coming back,well don't come back here when India runs out of bananas.Hey life is ok this side and the black outs are behaving but Eskom said they are coming back big time very soon.Otherwise life is behaving and I'm still attending my orientation at Albert Luthuli hospital and the experince is wonderfull and its also challenging but I'm having a good time.Well hope the monkeys are behaving in India and no trouble follow them.Cheers people talkj to you soon!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

India has no bananas a monkey can eat they are all chilly, so i gues we got to come back Durban.

Hey dude i guess, Albert lithuli is not in chaos